Wildlife photography holiday in Zimbabwe

£1950 excluding flights
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8 Days
Small group
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The price includes: - Accommodation - All meals - All activities - Photographic tutoring - Airport transfers The price does not include: - Flights - Insurance
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Description of Wildlife photography holiday in Zimbabwe

Price information

£1950 excluding flights
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The price includes: - Accommodation - All meals - All activities - Photographic tutoring - Airport transfers The price does not include: - Flights - Insurance
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For departure dates contact us on 01273 823 700

Travel guides

Wildlife photography
Imagine how sharp your photography skills could become following a holiday where you receive expert tutorials or one-on-one sessions from a profession...
As cameras give way to mobile phones and darkrooms to Instagram filters, it’s easy to dismiss photography holidays. Do you really need to learn about ...

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


We believe in the power of photography; the power to create incredible experiences, and the power to make a positive impact. That’s why we founded our Trust, a non-profit organisation that uses photography to make a positive impact on both a social and conservation level. Our photo tours finance the running costs of the Trust, so by just by joining one of our workshops, you're indirectly contributing. (So all you have to do to make a difference is have the photo adventure of a lifetime!) Through the Trust, we provide free professional photography to charities doing environmental and conservation work; images they can use for fundraising and communication purposes.

Ethics on Game Drives:
We have strict ethical and environmentally friendly practises in place on any project activity, including game drives. We keep the animals’ wellbeing as a top priority and do not drive off-road unless in pre-designated areas to minimise damage and negative impact.

Recycle and Water Policies at the Lodge:
Through a local company run by the community we recycle all recyclable materials, much of which gets used for crafts. Garden waste from our lodge gets composted along with raw waste from our kitchens to grow seedlings that are used in an aligned community garden project, Farmers for the Future. Our water comes from a borehole on the property that we closely monitor, and we use grey water for the lodge to water our vegetable garden, plants and gardens. To everyone involved in the project, we give presentations on usage of electricity and water to help minimise wastage and raise awareness. Since our lodge is set in the Greater Kruger area, we monitor the wildlife on the property to ensure its health along with the vegetation to ensure their survival. We have also established a butterfly garden to help support a healthy ecosystem.

At our office in Cape Town, we recycle, compost, and minimise the use of paper by predominantly working with digital files.


Apart from supporting conservation initiatives through our photography, we also support social nonprofits. We provide free professional photography to charities that do valuable work and can use the images for fundraising purposes.

Through our Trust, we also run PhotoVoice workshops for youth in underprivileged South African communities. We identify talented young individuals with an interest in and talent for photography, and provide workshops where we encourage them to tell their stories, and the stories of their communities, through photography. We teach them creative self-expression, and the power visual images can have. Participants are encouraged to raise awareness about issues that matter most to them, which stimulates positive activism.

Supporting Local Economy:
All operational staff members on the ground are locals, who get consistent training opportunities, comfortable accommodation, healthy food, and fair wages and working conditions.

We always use accommodation that is a mix between the best location for the photographic work that we are doing, and which benefits the local community. As a result we tend not to use large international hotel groups, but rather rely on locally owned accommodation. We avoid any accommodation that we believe is exploitative of either the local people or of the environment.

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