Small group safaris to Zambia

Three days canoeing along the Zambezi River coupled with wild camping, game drives and a fantastic walking safari - this brilliant trip is back to nature Zambia at its best.
Wild camping Zambezi River Nyamomba Kakomolala Mtondo Chiawa Lower Zambezi National Park Lusaka Three full days canoeing Chiawa Game Management Area
£2949To£3449including UK flights
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10 Days
Small group
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From £1849 - £1899 excluding flights.
Optional single supplement £260.
Minimum age 16.
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Description of Small group safaris to Zambia

A small group canoe and walking safari in the Zambezi Valley is a unique, active and intimate way to see and get close to Zambia’s wonderful wildlife. Canoe quietly along the river, passing basking crocs and hippo pods and spotting the game on the banks. At night, camp on quiet beaches and secluded islands and enjoy the incredible stars studding the African sky. We will also spend time out of the canoes, enjoying game walks and drives in the Chiawa Game Management Area, to experience Zambia’s diverse wildlife and beautiful scenery from land.


Price information

£2949To£3449including UK flights
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From £1849 - £1899 excluding flights.
Optional single supplement £260.
Minimum age 16.
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Travel guides

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Holiday information

Small group tour, ideal for solos & couples:
Small group travel is not large group travel scaled down. It is modeled on independent travel – but with the advantage of a group leader to take care of the itinerary, accommodation and tickets, and dealing with the language. It’s easy to tick off the big sights independently – but finding those one-off experiences, local festivals, travelling markets and secret viewpoints is almost impossible for someone without the insider knowledge gained from years in the field. For those with limited time, a small group tour will save valuable time in planning, and on holiday.
Our top tip:
You'll travel through some really wild country, so be prepared to be flexible.
Trip type:
Small group, 4-16 adults.
Activity level:
7 nights camping.
Solo travellers welcome. Single rooms unavailable.
All breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners.
Accommodation, transport, listed activities, tour leader.
Citizen science:
A few departures each year include citizen science projects. These special departures offer you the opportunity to be involved in the collection of freshwater samples during the trip. The environmental DNA information derived from this sample will contribute directly to the eBioAtlas; the world's largest repository of flora and fauna species data, contributing to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity both locally and globally. To book onto one of these special departures, please ask for more information.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Canoeing offers a superb, quiet way of approaching wildlife. This is a less disruptive and more environmentally way to travel. The trips are led by professional guides through the Zambezi River and Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia. We pay national park fees, which go towards conservation of wildlife but also to the communities which co-habit this space. Our game drive and walking safari offer clients the chance to learn about some fascinating species, like elephants, warthog, waterbuck, impala, Kudu, rare Samango monkeys, bird species and nocturnal animals such as genet, civet, hyena, porcupine, aardvark and if really lucky, the elusive leopard.

UK Office:
It all starts at home so we have first worked at reducing our carbon footprint in our UK Offices. Through energy conservation measures and recycling policies, we are proud to be actively reducing the waste produced and our impact on the environment. We support various projects all over the world to try and give something back to the places we visit.


Accommodation and Meals:
We will spend the entirety of the trip camping in the wild and in seasonal, semi-permanent tented campsites. This is better for the environment than using more permanent facilities as at the end of the canoeing season, any impression we have left on the land is wiped away as the river floods and green season rains return the environment to its natural state. Much of the campsite is built from reed mats provided by the local villagers, whilst the camp also runs on solar or inverter lights for minimal noise pollution. As our operators are a small, family-run business, most produce can be procured through small scale local supermarkets and vendors. Meals include fresh fruit, salads, local stews, curries and pasta.

We have the option to spend time at the Magurumeno Orphanage School, which is run by a local man for children in the area. This is a great opportunity to lend a hand and we encourage clients to bring with old clothes, educational supplies and sporting equipment. Gardening tools and seeds are also greatly appreciated here as the vegetable garden is often trampled by elephants. In the future, we hope to pay for a protective fence for this garden.

A Fair Deal:
Employed staff members are predominantly indigenous to the area thus contributing towards the unemployment problem in the surrounding villages. Employees receive training to become guides on the river through a comprehensive training course which includes practical assessment and written exams set by local authorities. The leaders will give a briefing on Responsible Tourism issues to help you understand how you can help reduce your impact and maximise the benefits to the local community from your visit.

Group Size:
This small group tour has a maximum of 16 participants, meaning that we have a low impact on the environments and communities we visit and are able to ensure that we do not disrupt or lead to the displacement of local people. The small number also allows us to stay in unique, family-run hotels that cannot benefit from coach tours and other mass tourism due to their limited sizes.

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