Nairobi to Harare overland tour, 41 days

£2245 excluding flights
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41 days
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
Small group
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Please note there is an additional local payment payable at the start of the trip in US Dollars cash: 2023-2024 - $1125
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Description of Nairobi to Harare overland tour, 41 days

Price information

£2245 excluding flights
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Please note there is an additional local payment payable at the start of the trip in US Dollars cash: 2023-2024 - $1125
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Travel guides

Gorilla safari
Gorillas are like the godfathers. The largest and most powerful of the great apes, you are only granted an hour's sitting with them. That is the law o...
Africa overland
A trip to Africa is always going to be exciting but imagine clambering aboard a purpose built truck and getting to cross borders, camp out overnight a...

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.



There is plenty of opportunity on this trip for wildlife viewing-from the open plains of the Serengeti, the unique Ngorongoro Crater habitat, Lake Manyara National Park and trekking to see the Mountain Gorillas. We ensure that all our travellers adhere to National Parks guidelines on responsible game viewing-for example not encouraging guides to get too close to the wildlife, not making loud noises, or disposing of food and litter inappropriately etc. In Nairobi, we sponsor an orphaned elephant, Kamboyo, at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. We also sponsor a lowland gorilla Rambo Chella in Cameroon. Our office staff have also taken part in the Great Gorilla Run in London to help raise funds for the 800 or so mountain gorillas left in the wild. Part of the money paid for many of the wildlife viewing experiences on this trip goes towards the conservation/ protection of the animals and their habitat. This trip does travel through a variety of natural habitats and we are very aware that we need to respect these.


Before travelling on any of our trips all of our travellers are supplied with detailed pre-departure information which includes information on travelling responsibly. Water conservation is one of the key elements of this. We encourage our travellers to bring a reusable water bottle from home and to fill it using purified water supplied on our expedition vehicle, rather than purchase plastic water bottles. The water we carry with us in jerry cans is used for drinking, cooking and washing (on occasions). The jerry cans have to be filled on route and we find that filling and carrying them helps focus the mind on the importance of water conservation!


Local Crafts and Culture:

We visit a number of local artisan/craft markets during this tour and encourage our travellers to support these. In our detailed pre-departure information we also provide information on bargaining responsibly and paying what you think the item is worth, rather than trying to bargain as low as possible. The difference of a pound or two to us is minimal but for a local artisan it could mean the difference between their family eating or not that night. There is also the option to visit a number of cultural attractions en route, including a Maasai village and cultural centre. Local villagers act as guides and also use the opportunity to produce local crafts to sell.

Volunteering and Charity:

In Zimbabwe we have been supporting the Hupenyu Hutsva Children's Home for a number of years. In the past we have funded seeds, gardening equipment, a borehole to enable the Home to be more sufficient in growing their own food, educational and sporting equipment and a variety of other items. Probably our most popular form of support however is the day trip we take all the children out on each year. Many of them rarely leave the compound they live on so it is a big event for them. We use our expedition vehicles and crew to take them out to a local attraction. We pay all entrance fees, provide lunch and other treats-this year (2014) it was a bouncy castle; water slide and candy floss and we buy some more serious items as well-note books and colouring pencils and food for the Home. The Home tells that this event is a highlight of the year for many children and our crew love it as well!

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