6 independent reviews for Small group adventure holiday in Uganda

Reviews for Small group adventure holiday in Uganda


review 20 Dec 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

The most memorable part was meeting the gorillas face to face in Bwindi impenetrable forest. We were lucky in that they were down on the ground so we were able to get really close to them, that was an incredible experience, one which we will never forget. Every part of the trip was exciting, we could pick something out from each day that stood out. The safari in Queen Elizabeth national part was brilliant, we were able to spot 2 separate leopards, another incredible experience.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Go with an open mind, embrace everything and try to immerse yourself in the local culture as much as possible. I'd say you need to have a good level of fitness for the trip. The treks to see the gorillas and chimpanzees were challenging at times as we walked up and down some steep slopes, often with branches and other plants in the way, but that just adds to the adventure. We were lucky that it hadn't rained before we went out, but some of the paths could become very slippy if they were wet.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes, 100% We were told on many occasions that some of the money we had paid for permits etc was going back into the local communities to support them and also to conserve the parks where the primates are located. We met several different community groups who had benefited from donations, we really liked that. We also loved that our tour guide would stop at locations in more deprived areas for us to buy fruit from the local sellers. We felt a real sense of community, it was lovely to see people helping each other out.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

It was genuinely the trip of a lifetime! We feel so lucky to have experienced all that we did. The tour operator was a brilliant company to work with. Nothing was too much trouble, they took care of us so well.

review 22 Sep 2019

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Travelling throughout a large area of Uganda, meeting many local Ugandans and exploring natural wonders. Exploring a number of National Parks to view wild animals and in two of these trek to find the chimps and in another Park, the gorillas.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

To enjoy every possible event/opportunity.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes I felt that the holiday benefited local people and hopefully supported conservation of the animals in the National Parks

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

The safari 8 days tour was very well planned and thus full of interest and excitement. It included cultural and historic tours, village life as well as game viewing . We saw much of the beautiful lush countryside .

review 3 Feb 2019

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

The gorilla trekking.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Have a good camera with zoom lens with you!

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

I don't really have anything to compare with, so it's difficult to answer this question. Yes for supporting conservation, but no, not especially for the rest.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

I think my driver/guide Peter was really great. Very friendly. Safe driving. As he was a former ranger he knew a lot about the wildlife as well.

review 20 Jul 2018

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Seeing the eastern mountain gorillas, SO many new birds, and the chimpanzees.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Book for 2 days trekking to see the gorillas is you can afford to. Go to Uganda for minimum 7 nights, maybe 10 if you can - there is so much to see and do.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes - definitely. It definitely supports the communities and conservation - and therefore also reduces environmental impact. Uganda in general and the lodges we stayed in need to improve on being more environmentally aware in terms of recycling, using biodegradable soaps etc. Only 1 out of 4 lodges we stayed at did this. It all goes hand in hand with saving the earth.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

Wonderful! I was so surprised by how beautiful Uganda was, and how safe the driving was (it's not like driving in India, for example!). I hadn't realised there'd be the volcanic crater lakes and so many wonderful hilly areas. It was so varied. Also the people are some of the nicest Ive ever met in a country. They are so friendly and well educated.

review 4 May 2017

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Trek to see the gorillas

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Be prepared for travel over long distances, but this enables you to see much of the country and its communities. Be prepared for some difficult terrain in trek to see gorillas, but support can be provided by porters. Take a hairdryer. Remember you are visiting a developing country, so manage expectations.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

It did all three above. A percentage (20%?) of your holiday costs in national parks went to finance local community projects.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

Excellent, would thoroughly recommend it. Varied experiences.

review 7 May 2014

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

The entire holiday was memorable. There are countless experiences that I will always remember. Having the opportunity to track and then spend an hour with the mountain gorillas was perhaps the most memorable. Being in the midst of these gentle beings was breathtaking. Having a troop of 10 gorillas surrounding me with the majestic silverback and darling infant within feet with no barrier between are moments I will cherish forever. Additionally, the opportunity to spend time with five tree climbing lions in Ishasha while they were in the trees was unforgettable.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

By prepared for some hours driving between locations depending on your personalized itinerary but understand the time is rewarded with fantastic experiences upon arrival to each location of the customized itinerary. Also, be prepared for any weather changes by bringing all weather kit. Finally, you will be received by the most friendly people everywhere in Uganda.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

I felt the holiday did benefit local people. The local people benefited directly through the percentage of park fees that in Uganda go directly to the local communities. Additionally, the employment of local people at the lodges also received a benefit that could then be cycled within the community. Also the park fees supported the Uganda Wildlife Authority and their conservation work, especially the fee for the mountain gorilla permit in Bwindi National Park.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

I would give the holiday a five star rating. Jackson at the tour company was very helpful and professional in tailoring an itinerary to my interests and Alex my guide was fantastic in ensuring that my safari was the best possible safari I could wish for. Thanks to both. The tremendous wildlife in Uganda along with the kindness of all the Uganda staff and people made the holiday a lifetime event.

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