5 independent reviews for Serengeti holiday in Tanzania, the big five

Reviews for Serengeti holiday in Tanzania, the big five


review 12 Jul 2023

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Our safari experience is best put down to a number of key factors that we felt so lucky to have experienced with our tour provider: - That locals know best. - An incredible 15-year knowledge of & experience with safari. - Flexibility on price that was tailored to our budget, without sacrificing quality. - Supporting a family-owned business with community-minded values & care for their country. - Absolutely outrageous experiences with animals we’d never dreamed of seeing so close & with such care. No two safaris are the same. We saw things we thought we’d never see, but all of the choices that the tour operator made about the pacing of our experience meant that every day felt packed full of once-in-a-lifetime moments that never felt exhausting. This included: - 15 lions & lion cubs on a morning stroll. - A group of baby elephants playing hide & seek. - A mother cheetah & her two babies mid-hunt. - Thousands of wilderbeast mid-migration. - Two leopards mating at sunset. Outside of the wildlife, the moments in between were spent chatting with Abu endlessly. His knowledge of not only animals & safari’s history, but the greater climate of Tanzania left a huge impact on us both, & captivated us for hours. Our only regret is that Ann, his parter, & who he runs the business with, could not come also!

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

When you support a local company, your money isn’t being sent via international payment gateways to offshore accounts that don’t stay within the country you’re holidaying in. The tour operator may be young when compared to some other more ‘traditional’ safari companies, but in our eyes, supporting a locally owned business when the vast majority of safari companies are based overseas, was incredibly important to us. Ann & Abu, the tour operator's owners, told us in our conversations that they have been working on getting a payment gateway that travellers are familiar with, when right now operators like PayPal can’t actually operate within Tanzania. We can assure you, through our experience, that they are absolutely to be trusted. When you travel with a big international tour, it’s easy to feel like you’re just being ferried around from place to place. But when you book with a small business, that clearly cares deeply for what they’re doing, what you experience is something entirely individual to you.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

The sad truth is that the majority of safari companies operating in Tanzanians aren't locally owned. More broadly, it's estimated that 70% of tourism profits in Africa are destined for foreign pockets. While on safari, we saw other guides taking a far less experienced approach to the way they toured the parks. We caught a number of guides near-antagonising animals, clearly in an effort to rouse them for photo opportunities, resulting in their immediate distress. This lack of experience by others was also felt in just how quickly we saw some groups leaving parks, with companies clearly content at a more minimal amount of time with & exposure to animals. The tour operator's local experience, knowledge & care came through in everything that we did throughout our time. Abu knew everyone & every route to take. Every piece of incredible accommodation that we stayed at, both inside & outside of national parks was locally owned too. We learned not only about the animals we saw, but the infrastructure that supported our appreciation of them, & the local efforts to help conserve their future.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

We’re so glad to have had our holiday with this tour operator, & feel all the better for having met them. They’ve earned lifelong supporters not only because of the holiday we had, but because of the impact we felt from going with them.

review 27 Jun 2023

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

For me, the most memorable parts of my vacation were the intellectually stimulating conversations I had with my guide as well as getting to see the Big 5 over the course of my safari.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Download an ESim card on your phone if you're not from Tanzania. The reception in a lot of the Serengeti and other spots are sketchy, so it's very helpful to be able to access Tanzanian data.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes. I had many conversations with my guide and he brought me to his friends to support their small businesses. Unfortunately, with all the driving we did, it did not reduce environmental impact, but we have talked about future plans to do so.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

Wonderful. Refreshing.

review 23 Oct 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

I don’t have a favourite, each memory was unique in itself.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Look out for the flies, lots of patience, many Hours of driving time, make sure u r choosing the right safari for yourself.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?


4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

Fantastic, amazing experience, I saw & did everything I wished for.

review 12 Sep 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Besides the warmth of the key staff involved (Ann+ Abu), I would like to stress the amiable nature of the Tanzanian people, that along with the organization of the lodges, washrooms and the overall cleanness astounded me. I would put all this overall picture as memorable as the richness of awesome wildlife which Abu almost know by their names. The scenic/diverse beauty is astounding!

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Personally I felt that I should have had given more time in between different parks; they are so rich in beauty and content that I often felt that my level of pleasure/awe would have reached even a higher level with more time.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

I am sure that travelling with this tour operator, a real Tanzanian travel with their professionalism and very comprehensive felt knowledge of the Country and Inhabitants certainly benefited local people. The tour operator is a fully local enterprise.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

I would love to have stayed longer and cannot wait to go back with them again!!! Terrific, the best I ever had.

review 23 Jan 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Camping in the Serengeti was very memorable and exciting. Waking up still in darkness and driving through the Serengeti while the sun crept over the horizon, slowly lighting up the plains and seeing silhouettes of giraffes and antelope was breathtaking. I will never forget that!

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Listen to your guides and trust in their knowledge! Abu is an experienced safari guide and a local Tanzanian - he knows what is best for the surrounding environment, community, and understands the wildlife. Do as he says and your safari will not only be exciting and fulfilling, but also safe and respectful. Make sure you have sufficient cash with you on safari to tip your guide and cook at the end.

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Abu & Ann demonstrated a keen interest in the health and welfare of the wildlife and compassion for their community. We were also happy to learn that through their business they support their communities with education programs for underserved families, and have many great animal protection programs in the works.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

10/10 - couldn't ask for anything more! From customer service to delivering an unforgettable experience (and providing lots and lots of delicious food!), the operator was fantastic and I will book again with them next time I am in Tanzania.

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